BFFP Asia-Pacific False Solutions Working Group

Earlier this year, the Aotearoa Plastic Pollution Alliance has teamed up with the Indonesian Forum for Living Environment (Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia, WALHI) to co-convene Break Free From Plastic’s False Solutions Working Group for the Asia-Pacific region from September 2022 – March 2023.
This Working Group has been developed to help facilitate collective action across our region in response to the many false solutions to the global plastic pollution crisis that are perpetuated by industry, governments, and other influential parties.
The false solutions of concern to our member organisations include (but are not limited to):
- Incineration and waste-to-energy
- Bio- and “compostable” plastics
- Plastic (and carbon) credits
Matt Peryman (APPA Communications Manager) and Abdul Ghofar (WALHI) are currently co-convening monthly Zoom sessions – the last 3 of which will occur on 24 January, 28 February, and 28 March at 7-8pm NZDT.
All APPA members are welcome to join via the following link:
Meeting ID 872 4859 3179 | Passcode 759434
Working Group Running Notes / Jamboard