New Report: Tackling Plastic Pollution in New Zealand’s Fin Fishing Industry

This study aims to seek ways to prevent marine plastic pollution leakage in New Zealand’s commercial fin fishing industry supply chains. Drawing on a case study approach, this research investigates how sea and land-based plastic material flows are perceived by those working for commercial fishing company Moana NZ. It considers current global, regional and national policies, as well as current initiatives that seek to minimise marine plastic pollution and considers the potential for their implementation in this context. This study also acknowledges the significant role that industry can play in implementing best practice guided by the top of the zero waste hierarchy.
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About the Authors
Freya Croft is a PhD student at the University of Wollongong Australia and an Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Blue Charter Fellow. Ms Croft’s 2021 ACU Blue Charter Fellowship was hosted by Massey University’s Political Ecology Research Centre, NZ and supervised by Dr Trisia Farrelly.
Dr Trisia Farrelly is a Senior Lecturer in the School of People, Environment and Planning at Massey University and Co-Director of the Political Ecology Research Centre, and a member of the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) Ad Hoc Expert Group and the Scientific Advisory Committee (Marine Litter and Microplastics). Dr Farrelly is
also Co-Founder of the New Zealand Product Stewardship Council (NZPSC) and the Aotearoa Plastic Pollution Alliance (APPA).
This report has been independently reviewed by Christina Dixon, Senior Ocean Campaigner, Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), Karen Baird, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme and Dr. Stephanie Borrelle, Birdlife International. The funding received from Waitrose and Partners for this programme is drawn from their 5p plastic bag levy which they are using for the public good with no commercial interest.
Citation: Croft, F. & Farrelly. T. (2021). Tackling the problem of marine plastic pollution in New Zealand’s fin fish industry. Case Study: Moana NZ. London: Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU).